Customize Vertical Menu

Add, Edit and Delete a Vertical Menu

We are using Coremat Pro package in this template. Coremat navigation component (CmtNavigation) is being used for the navigation in Jumbo.

For Vertical menu we are using CmtVertical navigation component.

There are three types in Vertical Menu:

  1. Section

  2. Collapse

  3. Item


    name: 'Title of the menu',
    type: 'section',
    icon: 'icon of the menu',
    children: [..submenu items..]


    name: 'Name of the menu',
    type: 'collapse',
    icon: 'icon of the menu',
    children: [..submenu items..]


    name: 'Name of the menu',
    type: 'item',
    icon: 'icon of the menu',
    link: 'route url'

The vertical menu bar is only available for “vertical” layouts. To customize the vertical menu, you would need to go to:

src / @jumbo / components / AppLayout / partials / Sidebar / index.js

In this file you can change the JSON object navigationMenus to customize the menu items.

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