
How to implement authentication in your project.

In this section we will explain to setup authentication in your project.

Use RestrictedRoute

Use RestrictedRoute to restrict the anonymous user from accessing any page which is only available for the authenticated user. This is fully explained in Defining New Route .

Redirect User to Dashboard after login

To redirect user to dashboard open src / routes / index.js file and update following code with replace code:

else if (authUser && location.pathname === '/signin') {
  return <Redirect to={'/dashboard'} />;

Replace with

else if (authUser && (location.pathname === '/signin' || location.pathname === '/signup' || location.pathname === '/forgot-password')) {
  return <Redirect to={'/dashboard'} />;

Authentication Methods

We are proving two authentication method and base structure of auth methed (Basic Auth) in this template.

  1. Firebase

  2. JWT Auth


Firebase is one of authentication method which is implemented in this template.To enable this method for your project follow steps given below.

  1. Configuring the App at Firebase official website In order to use Firebase authentication service, firstly you need to configure your app at the Firebase official website. By configuring, you will get some credentials, you need to add that credentials in the application.

  2. Update Credentials To updated Firebase credentials, open config.js file placed at: src/services/auth/firebase/config.js In this file, you will find a constant object config which contains the credential properties, you need to add your credentials to those properties.

    const config = {
      apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
      authDomain: 'YOUR_AUTH_domain',
      databaseURL: 'database_url',
      projectId: 'project_id',
      storageBucket: '',
      messagingSenderId: 'message_sender_id',
  3. Activate Firebase To activate Firebase open src / @jumbo / constants / AppConstants.js file and update value like below example.

    export const CurrentAuthMethod = 'firebase'; //jwtAuth,firebase,basic

    Now import Firebase in auth methods. Go to src / services / auth / and open index.js file. In this file import Firebase like below example:

    import BasicAuth from './Basic';
    import Firebase from './firebase';
    export const AuhMethods = {
      basic: BasicAuth,
      firebase: Firebase,

JWT Auth

JWT auth is another auth method implemented in this template. To enable this method follow steps given below:

  1. Setup Auth Server Very first step to enable JWT auth is setup your JWT auth server if not setup. We are providing laravel with JWT auth impletement in file with this template when you buy Jumbo. You can use that laravel setup server if you not have JWT auth server.

  2. Update Credentials To updated JWT Auth credentials, open config.js file placed at: src/services/auth/jwt/config.js In this file,update server user where your auth server is installed. see example:

    import axios from 'axios';
    export default axios.create({
      baseURL: ``, //YOUR_API_URL HERE
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  3. Activate JWT Auth To activate JWT Auth open src / @jumbo / constants / AppConstants.js file and update value like below example.

    export const CurrentAuthMethod = 'jwtAuth'; //jwtAuth,firebase,basic

    Now import Firebase in auth methods. Go to src / services / auth / and open index.js file. In this file import JWT Auth like below example:

    import BasicAuth from './Basic';
    import JWTAuth from './jwt';
    export const AuhMethods = {
      basic: BasicAuth,
      jwtAuth: JWTAuth,

Basic Auth

Basic auth us a base structure for auth method. You can use it for your custom Auth method.

Last updated