About Jumbo Vite

Jumbo 7.x | ReactJS 18.x | MUI 5.x |. React-Router-Dom 6.x

Jumbo 7.x version offers a dedicated SPA solution powered with Vite and Jumbo Components. It comes up with a well crafted mechanism to implement layout system, better theming system using MUI as the base and hundreds of highly reusable components to boost-up your project development speed. This saves your hundreds of hours to setup the architectural things so that you can focus on your idea or your features implementation only.

Whats New

  • A complete revamp of core @jumbo components to meet the latest standards and an improved performance.

  • React Router Dom version 6.x

  • MUI with the latest version of 5.x

  • The JumboLayout component and provider are updated now to support more flexibility while building your custom layouts for the app.

  • TypeScript Support

Libraries and Versions

  • ReactJS 18.x

  • MUI 5.x

  • React Router Dom 6.x

Key Features

  • 6 Layouts

  • Light, Semi-Dark and Dark Theme

  • Hooks System to customise theme at run-time

  • Hooks System to update the layout at run-time

  • 100+ highly reusable components

  • Consistent, Scalable and Optimised Code

Last updated